Researching Assisted Living Communities Checklist

Tips for Researching Assisted Living Communities Online and by Phone:

Online Research:

  1. Check if the location is close to important places like shops, doctors’ offices, pharmacies, and more.
  2. Use Google Places to explore the neighborhood virtually.
  3. Determine if the location is convenient for family and friends to visit by getting driving directions on Google Maps or MapQuest.
  4. If the facility is not in your town, look for nearby hotels on TripAdvisor for when you visit the area.
  5. Evaluate the neighborhood’s safety and crime rate by using tools like CrimeReports, Trulia, and NeighborhoodScout.
  6. Read reviews on to see what others are saying about the provider.
  7. Look up the provider on the Better Business Bureau or your local Area Agency on Aging website for more information.

Phone Research:

  1. Find out what types of payment are accepted and if the community offers programs to help residents afford care.
  2. Check the provider’s response or explanation if there are any negative online reviews about the community.
  3. Inquire about the schedule for tours and how long they usually last.
  4. Ask what they will show you during the tour and if you will have the opportunity to try the meals or meet with residents.
  5. Learn about the staff-to-resident ratio and how they ensure the safety and well-being of the residents.
  6. Inquire about the level of medical support offered at the community and if they have a registered nurse or doctor on-site.
  7. Check if the community offers specialized care for specific conditions, such as dementia or Parkinson’s disease.
  8. Ask about the availability of amenities like transportation services, fitness centers, and recreational activities.
  9. Inquire about the staff’s training and qualifications, including any certifications or licenses they hold.
  10. Request information about the admission process, including any fees, waiting lists, and required medical assessments.