Retirement Letters

Sample Retirement Letter

Sample Retirement Letter 2 | Letter 3 | Letter 4 |

There are various sample retirement letters or different forms of templates for writing them. A sampled or template letter form makes it easy for the applicant to write it and for the authorities to understand it. The applicant can provide the relevant information to the exclusion of unnecessary details that may prevent its expeditious execution. A relevant, “to-the-point” and properly formatted letter is of utmost importance if it has to serve its purpose. The retirement letter should be succinctly written leaving no scope for any ambiguity or misunderstanding. The letter should be written in graceful and cordial tone.

Your Name
Your Address
Your City, State, Zip Code
Your Phone Number
Your Email

Customizing the Sample Retirement Letter

It is understandable that every individual retiree may have a unique situation, circumstances, terms and conditions of service, therefore the same template or sample may not be ideal for every applicant. The sample retirement letter can be customized easily according to the individual needs.


City, State, Zip Code

Dear Mr./Ms. Last Name:

I would like to inform you that I am retiring from my position with Smith Agency, effective August 1.

Thank you for the opportunities for professional and personal development that you have provided me over the years. I have enjoyed working for the agency and appreciate the support provided me during my tenure with the company.

While I look forward to enjoying my retirement, I will miss working for the company. If I can be of any assistance during this transition, please let me know.


Your Signature

Your Typed Name


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Dear (line manager name – eg., Mr Smith, or first name if appropriate)

Please accept this as formal notice of my retirement due on (date of retirement). I’ll therefore be leaving my position of (your job title and site/department/division as applicable) as of that date.

(This part is optional:) I’ll be sorry to leave, and I thank you for your support during my time with the company, which I have found enjoyable and fulfilling.

Please let me know the arrangements for handing back equipment, company car, etc, and handing over outstanding work and responsibilities.

Yours sincerely etc.

Proper Formatting

The retirement letter should start with the particulars of the applicant followed by those of the employer/head of the department and salutations. The main body of the letter should be divided into paragraphs and each paragraph should focus on specific information. For example, the first paragraph should inform your employer that you intend to retire. You must also provide the effective date of retirement, the years of service you have put in, your decision to continue medical, dental and life insurance contribution and your forwarding address. The middle paragraph of your letter should thank your employer for the cooperation and the opportunities provided by him during the tenure of your work in the company/organization. The concluding paragraph should offer your assistance to the organization during the period of transition and the details of the company’s assets returned by you. This should be followed by a complimentary close.

Sample Letter Normal Retirement

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I am writing to inform you that according to my records you will shortly be reaching the normal age of retirement from service with the Trust.

In accordance with the Trust’s Retirement Policy you are entitled to receive 6 month’s notice of retirement, and therefore I am informing you that your date of retirement from your employment as _____ will be ______. I would be grateful if you could confirm in writing that you agree with this date.

You may be interested to know that the Trust runs a pre-retirement course each year, and in the past members of staff about to retire or who have recently retired have found this course to be both valuable and enjoyable. The next course will take place on _____. and, if you are interested in attending, please complete the enclosed nomination form and return it to me so that I may notify Central Training Services. If you would like further information on the course please do not hesitate to contact Central Training Services directly.

The __________ . Branch of the NHS Retirement Fellowship has a lively programme of activities that you may be interested in. In accordance with our normal practice, your name has been passed to the Secretary who will no doubt contact you shortly.

If you are or have been a member of the Pension Scheme, it would be advisable for you to request an estimate of your pension as soon as possible. Sally Smith, Pensions Officer, (Tel: 555 555 5555 Mon/Thurs, 9.30 to 1 pm) will be able to organize this for you.

Finally, but most importantly, I would like to take this opportunity of thanking you for your loyal and valuable service to the Trust and to wish you a long and happy retirement.

Yours sincerely

cc: Human Resources Adviser
Enc. Course Nomination Form

Sample Letter Retirement prior to age 65

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I am writing to inform you that according to my records you will shortly be reaching an age when you have the option of retiring from service with the Trust.

If you would like to consider the possibility of retiring, please make an appointment to meet with me when I will be happy to discuss any issues with you.

However, if you do not wish to take up the option of retiring at present, I would be grateful if you could make me aware of your decision.

Yours sincerely

cc: Human Resources Adviser