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03860 55 Living

Lee, New Hampshire, 03860

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Type of Neighborhood : Memory
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Longitude : W72° 52' 7.2''
Latitude : N44° 2' 48.9''
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$4,000 Per Month
Downsize your home and upsize your life. It really is that simple. Are there rooms in your house you haven’t visited in more than a week? A month? A year? Five years? That may be a good sign that a senior apartment could be a great choice for you.
$4,000 Per Month

Blue Harbor at Lee New Hampshire 03861 | Memory Care

Lee, New Hampshire, 03861
Downsize your home and upsize your life. It really is that simple. Are there rooms in your house you haven’t visited in more than a week? A month? A year? Five years? That may be a good sign that a senior apartment could be a great choice for you.
$4,000 Per Month

Blue Harbor at Lee New Hampshire 03861 | Memory Care

Lee, New Hampshire, 03861
Downsize your home and upsize your life. It really is that simple. Are there rooms in your house you haven’t visited in more than a week? A month? A year? Five years? That may be a good sign that a senior apartment could be a great choice for you.
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